Ribbon Cutting and Dedication of the Harbor House Sexual Violence Wing
April 25, 2023
Appleton, Wisconsin – Harbor House, an agency committed to the awareness and prevention of domestic abuse and sexual assault serving Outagamie and Calumet Counties, Dixon Ticonderoga Company employees and the family of the late John Carlberg, President and CEO of Dixon Ticonderoga, celebrated the ribbon cutting and donation of the Harbor House Sexual Violence Wing to John Carlberg on Monday, April 25, 2023.
Dixon Ticonderoga nominated the Harbor House as a recipient of the Lowe’s Companies, Inc. Hometown Grant, which they received in July 2022. The Sexual Violence Wing is one of the developments created from the grant. This space will allow the Harbor House to continue to increase services for Harbor House clients and will offer a dedicated space for victims of sexual assault to receive individual and group support, advocacy, and education. The private space will also be used for victims to meet with law enforcement, medical personnel, and community partners.
Pictured left to right in top photo: Kristina Kishbaugh, CEO of Harbor House; Tony Hertzfeldt, Vice President of Operations of Dixon Ticonderoga; Brian Higgins, EVP Purchasing of Dixon Ticonderoga; Linda Carlberg, John’s mother; Lisa Carlberg, John’s wife; Jillian Glasgow, John’s daughter; Shelley Van Hoof, VP of Procurement of Dixon Ticonderoga; Gail Ruuti, Business Analyst of Dixon Ticonderoga; James Glasgow, grandson of John; Bjorn Schalburg, EVP of Sales and Marketing-Fine Art of Dixon Ticonderoga; Sean Nobui, Vice President of Marketing Education of Dixon Ticonderoga; Heather Mahoney, Vice President of Human Resources of Dixon Ticonderoga; Steve Boyea, EVP of Sales and Marketing-Education of Dixon Ticonderoga; Joan Strand, CFO of Dixon Ticonderoga; Christy Coenen, Director of Services of Harbor House; Captain Mike Frisch of Appleton Police Department.